Storing Pipe Tobacco

Cigar aficionados often understand how they store their cigars in a good condition so that they can have the best experience with their session. Cigar and pipe tobacco have the same or at least almost the same condition when it comes to storing them. They need a bare minimum method so that they will have a perfect condition far from getting mold, hatching some bugs, or losing their content. Sadly, a lot of pipe smokers at least that I know have a little bad habit when it comes to storing pipe tobacco. So let’s talk about it. 

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Understanding Drei Katten

The story behind and the best way to understand Drei Katten


As I smoke my cigar one morning, I got text messages from my friend Om (read: uncle) Bram. He texted me that he got some components from his friend and he wants to give me all of them because he wants me to make pipe tobacco blend out of it. This surprising text from him is the result of the first blend that I make out of my curiosity that I gave him last year (2019). He says that my first blend has some potential, and he wants me to keep making it as homemade-artisan blend pipe tobacco in small batches with no rush to keep the “quality” as good as it can.

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The Problem With Indonesian Pipe Tobacco

I begin pipe smoking in late 2015. I used to be a cigarette smoker. But one day my friend at the time introduced me to a blending house in Semarang called Mukti Café. There, my mind was blown by all the types of tobacco that I do not know before. How can I know? For 3 years I smoke only Marlboro and the tobacco stores is not that very common at the time. There, I also got introduced to pipe tobacco. From that moment, my curiosity grew bigger towards tobacco.

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